

SOCAR AQS drills first multilateral well in South Caspian basin

SOCAR AQS drills first multilateral well in South Caspian basin


SOCAR AQS很高兴地宣布,它已经成功地完成了SOCAR的Azneft PU的第一口多边井的工程和钻井作业.

在West Absheron油田的钻井作业中,充分发挥该油田的潜力, SOCAR AQS launched a number of new initiatives, and conducted geological-geophysical studies across the wellbore at various intervals. 作为研究的一部分, the formation pressure was measured, core samples were taken at various intervals, 岩石储集物性, saturation of formation with oil and gas were identified, and lithological log of rocks and other parameters were verified.

SOCAR AQS总经理Samir Mollayev:“我很高兴地说,根据公司在West Absheron油田进行的地质和地球物理研究结果, sand control system at drilled wells was introduced, 验证过滤器尺寸, 通过在裸眼井中下入过滤器,客户的产量提高了4-5倍. Based on the successful results, we have assessed the possibility of drilling of multilateral wells, 考虑到这个领域的潜力. 在井设计过程中, SOCAR AQS与Azneft PU作为一个团队合作,为南里海盆地第一个试点项目的交付做出了贡献。”.

伊夫提哈尔•Gasimov, Chief geologist for SOCAR AQS said: “During the drilling and completion works, we applied advanced techniques and technologies, which contributed to the delivery of high quality wells. 与客户共同, 我们研究了钻多边井的可能性,并将相同压力的层位进行联合作业, 在West Absheron油田进行了第一口多边井的设计和钻井.

作为项目的一部分, SOCAR AQS与贝克休斯密切合作,共同进行了该项目的技术可行性研究. 值得注意的是,贝克休斯在项目的成功实施中发挥了重要作用.

The experience shows that depending on a number of sidetracks, 多边水平井钻井技术通过扩大生产层的排水面积来提高油井产量, 最重要的是,它可以显著降低钻井过程的成本. 该多边井在SOCAR的历史上首次实现了两个产层的联合下入, 保证了多边井的钻完井作业按时交付给客户.

目前, 井中的完井活动正在进行中,通过进行作业来达到生产状态. SOCAR AQS将在这些成功的基础上继续为客户提供高质量的井.



SOCAR AQS LLC was established in 2007 by SOCAR, 诺贝尔石油服务公司(Nobel Oil Services)与ab eron Qazma Şirk æ ti (AQS)成立合资公司,提供综合钻井和井管理服务. Nobel Oil Services is the key shareholder of SOCAR AQS.

The core activity of SOCAR AQS is to provide engineering and planning of wells, 钻探石油和天然气井, 定向井钻井, 水平井钻井, completion/development of wells, 修井, 侧向钻, and drilling of multilateral wells.

自2009年以来,公司一直是国际钻井承包商协会的成员. SOCAR AQS is ISO 9001:2015; ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certified for provision of offshore oil and gas well drilling and well repair services, 下套管服务, blowout equipment and X-mas tree repair and 测试ing services.

2017年,SOCAR-AQS根据API(美国石油协会)Spec Q2质量管理体系的要求获得了海上油气钻井和修井服务的认证.

For more information please contact press office of SOCAR AQS

电子邮件:  office@socar-aqs.com




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